“The high level view of the STEM landscape in the National Survey on STEM echoes a lot of what we’re seeing as developers, but also brings into focus surprising new insights. It has really set us buzzing here, and a number of issues raised are directly actionable for us. We also really appreciate seeing such high quality analysis combined with the actual source data; this report goes above and beyond in terms of transparency and methodology and this really boosts our confidence in the data presented.” Seth Meyers Founder and COO Simulation Curriculum Corp

Market Analysis That is Actionable The third in a series of National Surveys on STEM Education, the 2012 report contains 147 pages of detailed data and analysis and it delves into current trends including:
Tablet devices and apps for STEM
Technology most desired by STEM leaders
Implementation of the BYOD model for STEM
PD, including the Next Generation of Science Standards
Core topics of research:
Funding projections, priorities, and sources for STEM education
STEM courses currently offered and likely to be offered
Most important challenges facing STEM education
Over 700 open-ended responses from STEM educators about products they would most like to see developed for STEM.
High-Quality Analysis and Methodology The third in a series of industry reports on STEM Education co-developed by IESD, Inc. and STEM Market Impact, LLC, the new 2012 National Survey on STEM Education is the only report developed by leading experts in both STEM education and market research. The report includes an executive summary, analysis by role in STEM, and analysis by grade level.
Are you a STEM leader and educator? Our friends at Learning.com have sponsored the Educator Edition of the 2012 National Survey on STEM Report. This version of the report excludes information on funding projections and sources, as well as the 700+ open-ended responses about product development. Click here for the Educator Edition.