Teachers who love good technology will always tell their friends; it’s a timeless tale.

About a year ago, I asked a teacher friend how she decides which apps to use in her classroom. She responded, “Well, a bunch of us get together on our own time and we gush over our favorite apps for student instruction while sharing a bottle of wine.” Teachers who love good technology will always tell their friends; it’s a timeless tale.
But many of you may wonder: Who actually is responsible for buying apps? In the National Survey on Mobile Technology for K-12 Education–published by the independent research firm IESD, Inc.–we asked, “Where in your district is the PRIMARY responsibility for selection and purchase of apps for mobile technology?” Respondents could choose from:
District curriculum department
District level instructional technology department
District Information Technology Director/CIO/CTO
School level
Varies depending on the app
To be determined
Only 19.6% indicated that the purchasing decision for apps is made at the school level. A detailed breakdown of responses is available in the full report along with analysis for larger and small districts.