Now Free! This new report expertly provides insights into the changing landscape of science and STEM education, including feedback from educators on the impact of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).
Published by IESD Inc., in conjunction with STEM Market Impact LLC, this informative, 187-page report provides actionable data to help your product development and marketing efforts for science and STEM education.
This report helps answer the following questions:
What are the funding priorities for STEM Education and what changes in spending do educators project for the next school year?
Do educators plan to purchase new curriculum for NGSS, supplement their core curriculum with additional activities, or map their current curriculum to NGSS?
Which types of STEM courses are currently being offered, and which are likely to be implemented in the next 1-2 years?
Which crosscutting concepts from NGSS do educators prioritize when teaching?
Which science and engineering practices do educators prioritize when teaching?
What are the biggest challenges facing STEM Education?
Which grants from private sources do educators use to fund new STEM Education Initiatives?
When assessing new instructional materials, how important is it to include project-based learning, technology, science and engineering practices, and other instructional strategies?
What types of professional development activities do educators value most?
Do science and STEM educators view the Next Generation Science Standards as favorable, unfavorable, or neutral?
When appropriate, data from this report are analyzed by respondents whose states are adopting NGSS, by grade level, and by role in education.